All games from AEAC W/A/192 with status Finished


Lucena Cifré, Rafael Joséde Andrés Senra, Sergio Iván Black wins 4/28/2020 Go to game
Fariñas Lucas, Juan AntonioLucena Cifré, Rafael José Draw 4/28/2020 Go to game
Lucena Cifré, Rafael JoséPeláez Bravo, Vicente Black wins 5/13/2020 Go to game
Benages Mabres, ValentiLucena Cifré, Rafael José White wins 5/11/2020 Go to game
Lucena Cifré, Rafael JoséCatala Morales, Joaquim Black wins 8/21/2020 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoLucena Cifré, Rafael José White wins 5/11/2020 Go to game
de Andrés Senra, Sergio IvánFariñas Lucas, Juan Antonio White wins 4/14/2020 Go to game
Peláez Bravo, Vicentede Andrés Senra, Sergio Iván Draw 4/8/2020 Go to game
de Andrés Senra, Sergio IvánBenages Mabres, Valenti White wins 4/10/2020 Go to game
Catala Morales, Joaquimde Andrés Senra, Sergio Iván Black wins 4/16/2020 Go to game
de Andrés Senra, Sergio IvánCalvo Muro, Roberto White wins 4/12/2020 Go to game
Fariñas Lucas, Juan AntonioPeláez Bravo, Vicente Black wins 4/25/2020 Go to game
Benages Mabres, ValentiFariñas Lucas, Juan Antonio White wins 4/22/2020 Go to game
Fariñas Lucas, Juan AntonioCatala Morales, Joaquim Draw 5/4/2020 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoFariñas Lucas, Juan Antonio White wins 5/26/2020 Go to game
Peláez Bravo, VicenteBenages Mabres, Valenti White wins 4/10/2020 Go to game
Catala Morales, JoaquimPeláez Bravo, Vicente Black wins 6/7/2020 Go to game
Peláez Bravo, VicenteCalvo Muro, Roberto White wins 4/26/2020 Go to game
Benages Mabres, ValentiCatala Morales, Joaquim White wins 4/16/2020 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoBenages Mabres, Valenti Black wins 4/17/2020 Go to game
Catala Morales, JoaquimCalvo Muro, Roberto White wins 4/12/2020 Go to game

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