All games from Iceland - Australia 2014 with status Finished


Kristjánsson, Árni H.Kerr, Stephen Draw 12/4/2014 Go to game
Kerr, StephenKristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 11/18/2014 Go to game
Jónasson, JónasDunlop, Gordon Draw 5/26/2015 Go to game
Dunlop, GordonJónasson, Jónas Draw 5/26/2015 Go to game
Haraldsson jun., HaraldurRunting, Tim E. Draw 9/6/2015 Go to game
Runting, Tim E.Haraldsson jun., Haraldur White wins 5/24/2015 Go to game
Elíson, KáriJenkinson, Simon W. White wins 9/30/2015 Go to game
Jenkinson, Simon W.Elíson, Kári Draw 4/10/2015 Go to game
Guðlaugsson, EinarWillow, Max Draw 5/31/2015 Go to game
Willow, MaxGuðlaugsson, Einar Draw 5/11/2015 Go to game
Jónsson, Kristjan JóhannMulligan, Barrie Draw 5/31/2015 Go to game
Mulligan, BarrieJónsson, Kristjan Jóhann Draw 3/6/2015 Go to game
Sigfússon, Sigurður DaðiTanti, Joe G. White wins 11/13/2015 Go to game
Tanti, Joe G.Sigfússon, Sigurður Daði Draw 4/7/2015 Go to game
Vigfússon, Vigfús O.Booth, R. Stewart White wins 10/16/2015 Go to game
Booth, R. StewartVigfússon, Vigfús O. Black wins 6/22/2016 Go to game
Hjaltason, GisliGross, M. C. Draw 8/14/2015 Go to game
Gross, M. C.Hjaltason, Gisli White wins 10/4/2015 Go to game
Hjaltason, GisliThew, Brian W. White wins 1/15/2015 Go to game
Thew, Brian W.Hjaltason, Gisli Black wins 11/30/2014 Go to game
Gunnlaugsson, GísliJones, Brian Draw 4/20/2015 Go to game
Jones, BrianGunnlaugsson, Gísli White wins 9/11/2015 Go to game
Ragnarsson, Jóhann H.Kempen, Leon J. P. Draw 12/16/2015 Go to game
Kempen, Leon J. P.Ragnarsson, Jóhann H. Black wins 10/26/2015 Go to game
Ragnarsson, Jóhann H.Allies, Michael White wins 2/5/2015 Go to game
Allies, MichaelRagnarsson, Jóhann H. Black wins 2/7/2015 Go to game
Hannesson, Sigurður ÖrnHough, Greg Draw 1/31/2015 Go to game
Hough, GregHannesson, Sigurður Örn Draw 1/5/2015 Go to game
Sigurðsson, PállBurrows, Geoffrey White wins 1/20/2015 Go to game
Burrows, GeoffreySigurðsson, Páll Draw 3/4/2015 Go to game
Másson, KjartanWilson, Gregory Black wins 8/27/2015 Go to game
Wilson, GregoryMásson, Kjartan Draw 1/29/2015 Go to game
Thorsson, BjarnsteinnMichas, John White wins 11/14/2014 Go to game
Michas, JohnThorsson, Bjarnsteinn Black wins 11/7/2014 Go to game
Thorsson, BjarnsteinnPriest, Stephen White wins 12/19/2014 Go to game
Priest, StephenThorsson, Bjarnsteinn Black wins 12/8/2014 Go to game
Jónsson, BjörnLane, Ryan White wins 12/29/2014 Go to game
Lane, RyanJónsson, Björn Black wins 1/8/2015 Go to game
Jensson, Einar HjaltiGroenhout, Ron White wins 5/20/2015 Go to game
Groenhout, RonJensson, Einar Hjalti Black wins 5/20/2015 Go to game
Jensson, Einar HjaltiBrown, Kevin M. Draw 3/6/2015 Go to game
Brown, Kevin M.Jensson, Einar Hjalti Draw 3/1/2015 Go to game
Guðmundsson, ElvarKelly, Geoff R. White wins 1/4/2015 Go to game
Kelly, Geoff R.Guðmundsson, Elvar Black wins 2/13/2015 Go to game
Guðmundsson, ElvarMoroshko, Misha White wins 9/13/2014 Go to game
Moroshko, MishaGuðmundsson, Elvar Black wins 9/17/2014 Go to game
Sigurmundsson, GuðbjörnFerris, Mark White wins 3/4/2015 Go to game
Ferris, MarkSigurmundsson, Guðbjörn Black wins 11/20/2015 Go to game
Skúlason, BaldvinWark, Peter White wins 3/3/2015 Go to game
Wark, PeterSkúlason, Baldvin Black wins 5/23/2015 Go to game


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