ICCF Ratings

Rating list     
PlaceICCF IDCountryTitleNameGamesRatingRD

1 451307 SWE SIM Mauritsson, Sebastian117 2511 107
2 451006 SWE GM Persson, Conny396 2510 101
3 450320 SWE GM Bjuhr, Arne363 2505 102
4 450393 SWE GM Olofsson, Dan830 2495 88
5 450528 SWE SIM Forslöf, Lars695 2481 99
6 450447 SWE SIM Söderberg, Per423 2476 103
7 450624 SWE SIM Degerhammar, Rune477 2476 109
8 451180 SWE IM Colin, Sonny558 2473 93
9 451347 SWE SIM Hagberg, Jan134 2460 109
10 451400 SWE CCM Block, Benjamin298 2459 82
11 450451 SWE IM Olsson, Sture270 2447 107
12 451245 SWE IM Strömberg, Håkan180 2431 109
13 450747 SWE IM Larsson, Mats585 2424 85
14 450566 SWE SIM Blomstrand, Gunnar174 2422 104
15 451450 SWE CCM Zeghachov, Djamel544 2421 85
16 450619 SWE CCM Lagerborg, Krister106 2412 108
17 451395 SWE IM Andersson, Magnus246 2410 90
18 451422 SWE CCM Åberg, Lars-Erik507 2399 76
19 451520 SWE IM Bergmanolson, Michael204 2393 98
20 451182 SWE CCM Rosén, Leif198 2385 107
21 451195 SWE CCM Bredenhof, Bo1304 2381 94
22 450594 SWE CCM Karlsson, Leif214 2375 93
23 451233 SWE CCM Mozelius, Peter249 2363 95
24 450501 SWE IM Lindström, Bo417 2354 109
25 450714 SWE CCM Högberg, Thomas723 2352 78


87 players in the list
Ratinglist valid from 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024.

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