ICCF Ratings

Rating list     
PlaceICCF IDCountryTitleNameGamesRatingRD

1 451307 SWE SIM Mauritsson, Sebastian117 2511 113
2 451006 SWE GM Persson, Conny399 2509 104
3 450320 SWE GM Bjuhr, Arne370 2494 101
4 450393 SWE GM Olofsson, Dan842 2490 88
5 450528 SWE SIM Forslöf, Lars707 2478 95
6 450447 SWE SIM Söderberg, Per426 2477 106
7 451180 SWE IM Colin, Sonny573 2468 89
8 451400 SWE CCM Block, Benjamin317 2460 80
9 450451 SWE IM Olsson, Sture273 2448 110
10 451450 SWE CCM Zeghachov, Djamel559 2426 85
11 450566 SWE SIM Blomstrand, Gunnar175 2423 109
12 450747 SWE IM Larsson, Mats589 2418 90
13 451395 SWE IM Andersson, Magnus249 2410 94
14 450619 SWE CCM Lagerborg, Krister114 2402 105
15 451520 SWE IM Bergmanolson, Michael204 2393 104
16 451182 SWE CCM Rosén, Leif198 2385 113
17 451195 SWE CCM Bredenhof, Bo1315 2381 93
18 450594 SWE CCM Karlsson, Leif218 2379 96
19 451422 SWE CCM Åberg, Lars-Erik535 2375 73
20 451233 SWE CCM Mozelius, Peter261 2362 92
21 450714 SWE CCM Högberg, Thomas736 2351 79
22 451548 SWE CCM Bragesjö, Tomas485 2333 68
23 451505 SWE CCM Orci, Istvan269 2327 110
24 450861 SWE IM Dahlgren, Jonas152 2326 113
25 450632 SWE CCE Lundberg, Kenneth233 2322 100


80 players in the list
Ratinglist valid from 1/1/2025 to 3/31/2025.

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