Player Details

750171 CFB Lyamtsev, Valery Evgenevich

Belarus is not a member of ICCF; therefore Valery Evgenevich Lyamtsev is a designated isolated player.
Isolated players are allowed to enter all eligible ICCF tournaments via Direct Entry and to receive all earned titles and awards.

User died on 1/16/2018. (Date is estimated. Death was recorded on 5/15/2024.)



RatinglistValid fromRatingRDGames 

2002/14/1/2002 2086 14 Details
2004/14/1/2004 2137 25 Details
2011/24/1/2011 2153 42 Details
2011/37/1/2011 2193 55 Details
2011/410/1/2011 2172 58 Details
2012/11/1/2012 2172 61 Details
2012/24/1/2012 2204 69 Details
2012/37/1/2012 2217 71 Details
2013/11/1/2013 2215 72 Details
2013/24/1/2013 2215 75 Details
2013/37/1/2013 2236 87 Details
2013/410/1/2013 2249 91 Details
2014/11/1/2014 2255 95 Details
2014/24/1/2014 2254 97 Details
2014/37/1/2014 2258 108 Details
2014/410/1/2014 2263 113 Details
2015/11/1/2015 2272 116 Details
2015/24/1/2015 2276 122 Details
2015/37/1/2015 2280 134 Details
2015/410/1/2015 2291 138 Details
2016/11/1/2016 2290 143 Details
2016/24/1/2016 2296 149 Details
2016/37/1/2016 2288 152 Details
2016/410/1/2016 2275 162 Details
2017/11/1/2017 2269 172 Details
2017/24/1/2017 2287 183 Details
2017/37/1/2017 2299 186 Details
2017/410/1/2017 2306 190 Details
2018/11/1/2018 2313 194 Details

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