World CC Championship 2022
Friday, March 11, 2022: Important information
WORLD CC CHAMPIONSHIP 2022 – Important information
Given the serious situation in Ukraine and the uncertainty of the situation, it is not appropriate to start the WCCC 2022 Preliminaries now, as planned.
The start of the WCCC46PR is postponed to approximately 20 May.All valid entries received are confirmed and the players will duly receive the start list in advance of the tournament start date.
For the same reason, the official announcement of the WCCC 2022 Semi-finals is also postponed to mid-May.
The WCCC46SF will likely start in July instead of June 2022.
The start of the 33rd WCCC Final is also postponed to November 2022.
Frank Geider, World Tournament Director
Gian-Maria Tani, Title Tournament Commissioner