Reserves 22-24, Penrose Memorial Reserves 2022-2024

TD Sherwood, Russell (IA)
RatedWhite gamesBlack gamesScoreBC2BC1BB2SWinsRGPlace
1ENG213237 Curry-Machado, Jonathan2156½½11111½½½111111.59294961349901
2ENG213068 Hooker, Stephen2178½½11111½½½111111.588.588.588.51400.5902
3ENG212819CCECowan, Alastair2223½½½11111½½½1111197991011343803
4ENG780026CCEWard, Richard2229½0½1111½1½1111119090901402.5904
5ENG211908 Law, Steve2009½1111E11½½½½½1E1118991911378805
6ENG213245 Toon, James2016½½11111½½½½111118989891360.5806
7ENG210447CCECole, Steve2242½½½½11½½½½1111101001021041326.5607
8ENG211280CCEPerrin, Richard David2242½½½½½1½½½111111092.592.592.51404608
9ENG211408 Wood, Ben A.1973½111111½½½0½½½9.597991011365609
10ENG213100 Steward Anderson, Tony2065½111½1E1000½1E119.58989891384.58010
11ENG211537 Ackley, Peter2122½½½½11100½½11198991911352.56011
12ENG210709CCESutton, Alan B.21370½½½½1100½1E1118.587878713906012
13SCO620635 Burridge, Raymond John1897½½½½11100½00½1799.599.599.513804013
14ENG211629 Raby, Eugene1934½½½1111000½00½6.598.598.598.51371.54014
15ENG213224 Hardingham, David19290001111000½½½1E6.59810010213515015
16WLS810165 Bailey, Stephen2005½½½½11100000½16.59595951364.54016
17ENG211994CCEHollands, George 2240½½0E½0E0E0E½½½½0E115.51001021041333.52017
18ENG210454 Beckett, Phillip J.18610½0½111000½00½510010010013863018
19ENG212579 Roberts, Stephen1342000001E10E00E0.1141001001001390.54119
20ENG211991 Grummitt, William1873000½.110000½0½3.51041061081335.52120
21ENG212191 Ruffle, Alan1509000001100000002101.5103.5105.51321.52021
22SCO620628 Dunn, John149600000110000000297.597.597.51388.52022
23ENG213247 Watson, Francis1800P0000000000001129797971396.52023
24SCO620648 Hardwick, Martin E.890000000000000000101.5103.5105.51314.50024
25ENG213234 Kayaalp, Levent146600000000000000099.5101.5103.51314.50025

XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional
Latest results from 2/5/2024 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 1, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 174

This event is played in Memory of Jonathan Penrose, OBE (7 October 1933 – 30 November 2021) was an English chess player, who held the titles Grandmaster (1993) and International Correspondence Chess Grandmaster (1983). He won the British Chess Championship ten times between 1958 and 1969.
Penrose's over the board performance started to decline in the 1970s and he fainted at the 1970 Olympiad in the midst of a tense game. Consequently, he moved on to correspondence chess, where he was successful, earning the International Master (IM) title in 1980 and the grandmaster (GM) title in 1983. He led the GB team to victory in the 9th Correspondence Olympiad (1982–1987)

The Players finishing in the first six places will qualify for the Candidates when the event is finished.

This is a server event.
The start date was 10/1/2022.
The end date is 8/12/2024.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 40 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by Buchholz cut 2, then by Buchholz cut 1, then by Buchholz, then by Buchholz 2nd stage, and then by wins.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games live after 0 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
The public can see the games live after 0 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
This event is organized by Beckett, Phillip J..

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