Nol/A, Nol van 't Riet Memorial Invitation Group A

TD Doorn, Jos P. M. van (IA)
1IRL260043SIMHarding, Timothy David2340½½½1½11½1-C6.5426.2501
2ITA240621IMTinjacá Ramirez, Luz Marina2389½1½½½A1½½1-C632502
3LAT910161GMGaujens, Artis2251½0½½½1½1E1-C5.532103
4FRA180490SIMRuch, Eric2443½½½½½A1½½1-C5.5222.504
5ENG210745SIMRawlings, Alan J. C.23200½½½1½½½1-C522005
6NED370234IMWieringen, Cor A. van2237½½A½½A0½½½1-C4.5118.7506
7NED370299 Ruiter, Tom de19850000½½11E½-C3.5212.2507
8SCO620098IMBorwell, Alan P.22070½½½½½0½½-C3.5015.7508
9CZE130429IMCanibal, Jaromír2317½½0E½½½0E½0E-C3015.509
10FIN460536 Lahdenmäki, Leo1913000000½½1E-C216.5010
11GER81532GMBaumbach, Fritz2401-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C000011

XA = result by adjudication
XC = game cancelled
XE = exceeded time limit
Latest results from 3/13/2023 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 55

All participants will receive a plaquette to commemorate this tournament.

Nol van 't Riet was 75 years.

Nol has founded, in 1966 with, Henk Mostert, the NBC!

Please look at the “Hall of fame: https://www.iccf.com/halloffame

Nol van ´t Riet (1945) played his first correspondence game in May 1966. When the NBC (Nederlandse Bond voor Correspondentieschakers = Dutch Association for Correspondence Chessplayers) is founded on 19 November 1966, he is one of the founding members. Due to his preference for lists and rankings he soon joins the ranking committee of the NBC. Soon afterwards, by mediation of Dick Smit and Henk Mostert, he is also participating in the working group of the ICCF, to investigate possibilities and to prepare a rating system. In 1980 he is asked by Hans-Werner von Massow to personally create a full ratings system and to organise the calculating. Around 1985 his system is almost completed. At the Congress of 1987 the ratings system that Nol had created is fully endorsed. Soon afterwards rating also becomes an additional criterion for titles, like IM and GM.

His role in realising this ratings system is immense.

From 1983 onward Nol is tournament director for the European competition. With no less than 2500 annual participants in the tournaments, this is also an extraordinary job, which he continued until 1988.

In 1987 he is appointed IA, International Arbiter.

In 1996 the Board of the NBC assigned him the international relations. Following this assignments he visits all Congresses of the ICCF, until 2009.

In 2001 Nol becomes Honorary Member of ICCF. He continued to work on ratings and norms system advising the working group for new title norms system in 2015 and 2016.

Nol died in November 2020. This tournament is an invitation from chessfriends of NBC and ICCF!

This is a server event.
The start date was 7/4/2021.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Jansen, Joop.

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