CL/2004/B4 Board 3, Champions League 2004 B Group 4 Board 3

TD Mirbach, Thomas
Category 6 SIM=7 IM=6 LGM=4 LIM=2½1234567891011ScoreSBRGPlace
1UKR940623 Bubir, Sergei2385UKR CCF Ukraine½1½½1111118.538.2501
2GER82299 Schwetlick, Thomas2398GER HSG Uni Rostock½½½½½½111½6.529.502
3ITA240971 Alderisio, Piero2353ITA Blue Team0½½1½11½½16.528.503
4CZE130863SIMMrkvička, Josef2506IRL Chess Mail Tigers½½½½½½0½½1524.504
5POL420853 Mokwa, Marek2338POL Centrum-Tczew½½0½½½½1½½523.505
6GER84881 Breyther, Rüdiger2409GER SV Signal-Iduna0½½½½½½1½½522.506
7BEL40429 Van Tricht, Marcel2347BEL Flemish Queens0½0½½½½½11520.507
8CFR141026IMKharitonov, Aleksandr Alekseevich2361CFR Novokuznetsk0001½½½½½½417.2508
9SVK950312 Hulecová, Slavomíra2200PSVK Chess Club Travertin0O0O½½0O0½½1½3.514.7509
10CZE131010IMAlexa, Jaroslav2451SCZE Zasilatelstvi Zelezník Pardubice00½½½½0½0½314.25010
11GER81434 Groß-Winter, Günter2387GER Rochade 5171 - Bulldozers0½00½½0½½½313.5011

XO = game finished by original player
XP = provisional
XS = start rating

IM Erofeev, Sergey Petrovich (GER Rochade 5171 - Bulldozers) was substituted by Groß-Winter, Günter.
Vrbica, Ladislav (SVK Chess Club Travertin) was substituted by Hulecová, Slavomíra.
The games finished by the substitute are rated according to rule 6 of the rating rules.

Latest results from 12/9/2006 are displayed in red.

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 76

SIM norm achieved by: Bubir, Sergei
IM norm achieved by: Schwetlick, Thomas; Alderisio, Piero; Bubir, Sergei
LIM norm achieved by: Hulecová, Slavomíra

This event is played by email.
The start date was 12/1/2004.
There is no end date.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Individual ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule. This applies to board cross tables.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule This applies to the team cross table.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Hofer, Rudolf.

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