EU/C52, EU-FSM/52

TD Nielsen, Jørgen Axel (IA)
Category 6 IM=8½123456789101112131415ScoreSBRGPlace
1GER81738 Hafner, Manfred2375½½½½11111111111274.2501
2GER81131 John, Helmut2420½½½½½1½½1½1111106102
3GER80949 Weber, Karlheinz2365½½½11½0½½½11119.559.2503
4GER81855IMKahn, Manfred2462½½½½½½1½½½1½11955.7504
5GER81342 Märten, Thomas2528½½0½10½11½½111954.2505
6ESP160017IMLanz Calavia, José María23440½0½01½½11½1118.546.7506
7POL420008IMBraczko, Marian238300½½101½½01½117.542.7507
8NED370146 Kleij, Carel van der24200½10½½01½½½101743.508
9DEN150235 Andersen, Bjarne Hjorth24110½½½0½½0½10111738.7509
10GER80668 Kotzem, Ernst240000½½00½½½1½111735.75010
11CFR140090IMLoginov, Vladimir Nikolaevich25290½½½½01½00½011635.5011
12AUT10224 Feistenauer, Fred23930000½½0½1½½1015.529.75012
13GER80107 Häußler, Rolf2373000½00½0001011417.25013
14UKR940151 Tyshekovets, Konstantin233000000001000101312.5014
15CZE130407 Laurenc, Petr24870000000000000000015

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 105

IM norm achieved by: Weber, Karlheinz; John, Helmut; Märten, Thomas; Hafner, Manfred

This event is played by postal mail.
The start date was 3/1/1994.
The end date was 12/30/1998.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Nielsen, Jørgen Axel.

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