ITA/CIM29, 29. Campionato Italiano Magistrale

TD Secondi, Alberto
Not ICCF ratedWhite gamesBlack gamesScoreBC2BC1BRGPlace
1ITA241274 Laghetti, Gaetano231511111½½11193840.542.501
2ITA241425 Mosconi, Tiziano ½1111½111193739.54202
3ITA240778 Ballarani, Piero2371½½11101111833333303
4ITA249164 Grammatica, Andrea2193½½111½½1½17.548.5515104
5ITA241289 Besozzi, Ferdinando223110½½111½117.540.5414105
6ITA240841 Sgherri, Marco2261½1½1½½½1117.54042.544.506
7ITA241325 Viviani, Enrico ½½½111½1½17.538.5393907
8ITA241279 Caradonna, Gaetano2198½½1½11½½½174446.548.508
9ITA240962 Leone, Cataldo 01111½0½1173840.54109
10ITA241199 Lanzani, Paolo20640½111½011173434.534.5010
11ITA241249 Grippo, Lorenzo21980½1½1½½1½16.5525658.5011
12ITA241044 Perina, Giuseppe2228½½½11½½½½16.54143.545.5012
13ITA241343 Sgarito, Carmelo ½½½11001116.540.542.542.5013
14ITA241313 Carradori, Diego 11½½10½1½½6.53840.540.5014
15ITA240393 Nucci, Luciano2186S½½½11½½½½16.537.537.537.5015
16ITA240959 Calabrese, Claudio ½½111½½½016.536.53737016
17ITA241301 Sossai, Silvio2013½00111½½½1645.545.545.5017
18ITA241168 Bolignano, Giuseppe2259½0½½1½½½11639.54244.5018
19ITA241075 Compagnone, Gaetano2268½1½½10½½½½5.555.559.562019
20ITA241216 Balosetti, Davide1816½½½½10½½½15.545.54848020
21ITA240494 Carrettoni, Angelo2247½½½11½0½½054850.550.5021
22ITA240891IMMauro, Lucio223500½½10½½½14.5565961022
23ITA241152 Fedeli, Luciano20820½½1½0½½½½4.549.55254.5023
24ITA241271 Ruggirello, Stefano22260½½½½0½½½14.547.550.551024
25ITA241192 Palladino, Mario21410101½00½½½45660.562.5025
26ITA240370 Maccapan, Fabio2167½½½½½00½01447.55050026
27ITA249007 Pietrocola, Roberto216300½½100½½144749.549.5027
28ITA240438 Bigando, Mauro1992½0½0½0½101445.54848028
29ITA241223 Mastronardi, Donato204900½½½00½½½35052.553029
30ITA241226 Cosentino, Aldo1937½0½½½000½½349.55254.5030
31ITA241004 Migliorini, Roberto20150½100010½0347.551.555.5031
32ITA249077 Petruzzelli, Raffaele211900½½½½000½2.5596366032
33ITA241145 Senzacqua, Fabrizio21390000½½0½½½2.556.56164033
34ITA241309 Grossi, Katia203800½½½000012.554.557.557.5034
35ITA249124 Terminali, Giorgio20780001½00½0½2.552.556.558.5035
36ITA240584 Bosetti, Roberto1913000½10000½252.55555036
37ITA241217 Carnemolla, Giampaolo1974000000000½0.55660.563.5037
38ITA240609 Saviozzi, Luca18460000000000054.558.560.5038
39ITA241084 Franchitti, Gigi193400000000000505456.5039

XS = start rating
Latest results from 12/1/2013 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 195

This is a server event.
The start date was 2/1/2012.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 40 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
Games are stopped if a player exceeds his thinking time. A claim by the opponent is required.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
Ties are broken by Buchholz cut 2, then by Buchholz cut 1, and then by Buchholz.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Caressa, Marco.

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