CL/2010/C5 Board 2, Champions League 2010 C Group 5 Board 2

TD Hömske, Markus
Category 1 IM=9½ LGM=7 LIM=4½12345678910111213ScoreSBRGPlace
1FIN370395IMSöderberg, Kaj2286NED Kyloe½1½½½½½½11118.545.501
2ROU440493 Dobrei, Gheorghe2324ROU CSM Cluj-Napoca 2½½½½½½1½½111842.7502
3CFR140593 Sergeev, Vladimir Stepanovich2408CFR Samarachess0½½½½½½1111184003
4CFB750046SIMShablinsky, Mikhail Ivanovich2429CFB Chance½½½½½½½1½½117.540.2504
5SVK950320 Solar, Jan2296SVK Chess Club Travertin 2½½½½1½½½½011739.505
6FRA180472 Yvinec, Jean-Marc2354FRA Le Courrier des Échecs½½½½0½½½11½173706
7USA514476 Ballow, John2354USA Perfect Strangers½½½½½½0½½111736.7507
8POL429131 Turczyński, Marian2157POL Dragon½0½½½½11½½½½6.537.7508
9GER80949IMWeber, Karlheinz2289GER FSG Sparrenburg Bielefeld I½½00½½½0½1½½527.509
10SVK950311 Šimončič, Ladislav2212SVK VChC Musketeers C0½0½½0½½½0½14.523.75010
11ESP160174 Fuentes Arjona, Antonio2191ESP A.D.A. MOSTOLES000½100½0101420011
12SLO480040 Veček, Marjan2160SLO Anunnaki CC II00000½0½½½1½3.516.25012
13ITA249203 Sabbatini, Giuseppe1937ITA Le Mine Vaganti0000000½½00½1.57.5013

Latest results from 10/26/2012 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 78

This is a server event.
The start date was 1/25/2010.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
Games are stopped if a player exceeds his thinking time. A claim by the opponent is required.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the Special Leave Office.
Individual ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule. This applies to board cross tables.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule This applies to the team cross table.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Demian, Valer-Eugen.

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