BdF-75 /SF 8, 75yearsBdF /SF 8

TD Scheiba, Manfred
Category 412345678910111213SIMIMCCMCCEScoreWinsSBRGPlace
1USA517672CCMStewart, Douglas2411(66)½½½½½½1½.1.176.5332.2521
2GER82479IMZielasko, Andreas2359(84)½½½½½½½½½½½176.5131.502
3LAT910073IMGulbis, Harijs2387(59)½½½½½½½½½½½176.5131.502
4ITA241091CCEScuderi, David2297(95)½½½½½½½½½½½1766.5131.502
5NED370353CCMGaljé, Hans2351(68)½½½½½½½½½½.176129.7515
6CFR142486IMMorozov, Nikolay Alekseevich2381(89)½½½½½½½½½½.176129.7515
7GER87077CCMRödl, Josef2276(100)½½½½½½½½½½½½76031.507
8GER80616CCEOppermann, Peter2295(94)0½½½½½½.½½½1765.5126.2518
9ITA240991CCMGagliardi, Virgilio2481(86)½½½½½½½...½175124.539
10SVK950320CCESolar, Jan2286(90).½½½½½½½.½.1765124.539
11GER85117 Kellner, René2194(81)0½½½½½½½.½.1765124.5211
12POL421428IMSzymański, Robert2458(74).½½½..½½½..174118.5512
13SCO620426CCMCumming, David R.2249(65)000000½0000070.503013

X = This game was marked lost by a player who was recorded to have died.
Latest results from 12/15/2024 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 9, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 69

There are 9 Semi-Final groups, and the winner of each Semi-Final group and any tied players after tie break rules (number of wins, then SB) are applied will qualify to play in the Final. The best runners-up may qualify for the Final depending on the results from all Semi-Final groups.
No player may qualify for more than one place in the Final.

The winner of each Semi-Final group will receive a prize of 50 Euros. In the event of players scoring equal points in first place, this prize will be shared. All prizes will be distributed at the conclusion of all Semi-Final groups of this tournament.

Final Prize fund:
First place 150 Euros
Second 100 Euros
Third place 50 Euros
The places 1 to 3 of the Final will receive a certificate.
All prizes will be paid via PayPal; if first place is split by tiebreak, the prize will be split equally.

IM norm achieved by: Scuderi, David; Stewart, Douglas

This is a server event.
The start date was 2/10/2024.
The end date is 2/9/2026.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Kracht, Jörg.

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