ARG/cup04/sf 6, IV Argentine Cup - 75° Anniversary - Semifinals 6

TD Fuzishawa, Richard Mitsuo (IA)
Category 31234567891011121314151617IMCCMCCEScoreWinsSBRGPlace
1BRA70378CCMTafner, Edson2308½½½½½½½½½½½½1½½110½9267.2501
2GER81455IMNyberg, Wilfred2325½½½½½½½½½½½1½½½19267.2501
3GER82490CCEZoll, Detlef2285½½½½½½½½½1½½½½½11089267.2501
4FRA181257CCMGarau, Bernard2253½½½½½½½½½½½½½½1½108.5166.2504
5GER87035CCEFischer, Jens2284½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½11088.5163.505
6ITA241712CCESorbi, Luca2253½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½11088.5163.505
7WLS810212CCMSherwood, Alexander2356½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½110½8.5163.505
8POL421940CCMSchmitt, Dariusz2356½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½110½8.5163.505
9AUT10492CCMVegjeleki, Adolf2223½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½1108.5163.505
10ARG21322CCMVieites, Carlos2397½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½110½8.5163.505
11SCO620184SIMBeecham, C. Richard2477½½0½½½½½½½½½½.118259.25111
12CAN90600CCEZubac, Marius2301½½½½½½½½½½½½½.½110½88160.25112
13USA516696CCMMoujan, Pablo2294½0½½½½½½½½½½½½½110½8159.25013
14USA517811CCESmith, Allyne22880½½½½½½½½½½½½½½110½88159.25013
15USA516552CCMBurmeister, Ferdinand2354½½½½½½½½½½..½½½½10½7055.5215
16GER370477CCEPeetoom, Frank F.2300½½½0½½½½½½0½½½½½10½87055.25016
17NOR360171 Taksrud, Vidar2120000½0000000000½½10861.5011.25017

Latest results from 7/20/2024 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 2, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 134

Only one qualification per player for the Final.
(a) number of wins by each tied player in the tournament (the Baumbach tie-breaking system)
(b) if after “a” the tie persist, then the points evaluation by the Sonneborn-Berger System,
(c) if after “b” the tie persists, then the results of the tied players against each other.
(d) if after "c" the tie persists, then the player with the lower rating at the beginning of the stage will qualify

Prizes in the Final:
1° 500 €
2° 300 €
3° 200 €

CCM norm achieved by: Sorbi, Luca

This is a server event.
The start date was 11/30/2022.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Martello, Juan Alberto.

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