SWE - PHI 2022, Sweden vs Philippines 2022

TD Jansen, Joop (IA)
Olsson, Sture
Ramos, Francis A.
Board 1SWE CCM Zeghachov, Djamel2401½½½½PHI CCM Ramos, Francis A.2379
Board 2SWE IM Larsson, Mats2374½½½½PHI CCM Simplina, Pancho Amor2348
Board 3SWE CCM Franzén, Thomas2342½½½½PHI CCM Sinsuat, Datuali2346
Board 4SWE CCM Åberg, Lars-Erik2334½½½½PHI CCE Simplina, Arthur2309
Board 5SWE CCM Orci, Istvan2326½½½½PHI Pagaran, Michael Joseph2297
Board 6SWE CCE Bragesjö, Tomas2278½½½½PHI CCM Perez, Brigiliano2292
Board 7SWE CCE Lundberg, Kenneth2262½½½½PHI CCE Padilla, Eribert S.2280
Board 8SWE Nilsson, Lars G.2254½½½½PHI CCE Tautho, Diego2270
Board 9SWE Jonsson, Lars2241½½½½PHI CCE Javier, Guilbert2265
Board 10SWE Svensson, Christer2238½½½½PHI CCM Javier, Christian C.2262
Board 11SWE Brissman, Anders21820011PHI CCE Manaois, Manolito2233
Board 12SWE Wegblad, Mikael2165½½½½PHI Simplina Ubeda, Roma Aurora2206
Board 13SWE CCE Hermansen, Rune2143½01½PHI Rosales, Ralph Christian2113
Board 14SWE SIM Bennborn, Jan2124½½½½PHI Obana, Servillano jr2094
Board 15SWE Bäckström, Björn21000011PHI Andres, Clinton Paulo2103
Board 16SWE IM Josefsson, Kenneth2098½½½½PHI Duron, Wens Zaren2081
Board 17SWE Arkefeldt, Fredrik2091½01½PHI Tagoc, Charlie2054
Board 18SWE Andersson, Sven Olof (Enköping)2058½½½½PHI Sopungco, Alwin A.2025
Board 19SWE Nilsson, Nils Åke19730011PHI Quilang, Aaron James2048
Board 20SWE Johansson, Jan1948½½½½PHI Obana, Arbie Rheiza1995
Board 21SWE Vogel, Ulf Augustin19341½½0PHI Yen, Alvin1964
Board 22SWE Persson, Börje19130011PHI Asi, Emmanuel1936
Board 23SWE Englund, Jan1903½01½PHI Lopez Cacayan, Clifford1827
Board 24SWE Johansson, Evert R.18740011PHI Bordon, Sheryll1816
Board 25SWE Lindahl, Roland1735½1E0E½PHI Piel, Jaymiel1800P
Board 26SWE Lindahl, Roland1735½01½PHI Posadas, Jesus Basilio1800P
Board 27SWE Agnäs, Tore16741E1E0E0EPHI Madrid, Rei.iane1800P
Board 28SWE Johansson, Evert R.187401E0E1PHI Lagria, Michael Antonio1800P
Board 29SWE Agnäs, Tore16740011PHI Suter, Anatalio, Jr.1800P
Board 30SWE Strand, Debbie1800P0011PHI Daligdig, Garry1572



XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 60

This first friendly match between the correspondence chess players of Sweden and the Philippines was made possible thru the cooperation of Mr. Sture Olsson - Team Captain of Sweden and Mr. Briggs Perez - Philippine coordinator for international friendly match.

We also thank Mr. Joop Jansen of Netherlands who graciously accepted the role of TD and also thank Mr. Yosua Sitorus of Indonesia for being our back-up TD.

We thank everyone for participating in this event and hope all will enjoy their games and get to know their new chess friends.

Arthur Simplina

This is a server event.
The start date was 11/1/2022.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Players cannot agree to a draw before move 20.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Simplina, Arthur.

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