5th ICCF Veterans World Cup - Tournament Announcement

Sunday, May 20, 2012: Please see below for details




Fifth ICCF Veteran’s World Cup


In 2008, the ICCF Congress, in Bulgaria, decided that following the great popularity of the first tournament among senior players, a new Veteran’s World Cups (VWC) would be started every year.


The German Organisation Deutscher Fernschachbund (BdF) offered to organise the 5th VWC tournaments on behalf of ICCF, working in collaboration with ICCF.  Special trophies will provided by the BdF to ICCF for winners of each tournament.


The first stage of the 5th ICCF Veteran’s World Cup will start on 1 September 2012.  As with the 3rd and 4th VWCs, the event will be organised in three stages, which will allow several players from each group stage to advance to the Semi-finals and Final.  The number of promotions will depend on total entries received, but it is envisaged that groups at each stage will comprise of 13 players (12 games) played by webserver with a rate of play of 10 moves in 40 days.  Playing time in each stage will be 18 months, with a fixed closing date specified at the outset.


ICCF Veteran’s World Cups are open to all players who are 60 years old or more at the start date of the tournament.  Although the number of preliminary groups that each player may enter is unlimited, no player may qualify for more than two Semi-final groups or more than one place in the Final.


Players may enter through their Member Federations (please contact your MF for amount of the entry fee) or, where eligible, via the ICCF Direct Entry system.


Entries via National Federations should contain player’s name, date of birth, e-mail address, ICCF ID, and current rating and should be forwarded by e-mail to the Tournament Organiser, SIM Hans-Jürgen Isigkeit, e-mail: VeteransVC@Fernschachbund.com to reach him before 1st July 2012.  It would be appreciated if Federations send entries “as received” and not delay them until closing date.


Closing date for Direct Entries will also be 1 July 2012.


All veteran chess players are heartily invited to enter this tournament, both for the enjoyment of games and friendly contact/communication with senior players around the World.  Member Federations are asked to give the tournament wide publicity to their veteran players.


Dr. Uwe Staroske Andrew Dearnley Frank Geider

President of the ICCF Nontitle Tournament World Tournament

German CC-Federation Commissioner Director

Deutscher Fernschachbund


Hans-Jürgen Isigkeit

Tournament Organizer

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