All games from 2022 CCLA Spring Server Series - Sect 1 with status Finished


Young III, William C.Shannon, Paul D. Black wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Young III, William C.Silverman, Robert Black wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Young III, William C.Zarges, Ron V. Black wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Shannon, Paul D.Young III, William C. White wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Shannon, Paul D.Silverman, Robert White defaulted 8/21/2022 Go to game
Shannon, Paul D.Zarges, Ron V. White defaulted 8/21/2022 Go to game
Silverman, RobertYoung III, William C. White wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Silverman, RobertShannon, Paul D. Black defaulted 8/21/2022 Go to game
Silverman, RobertZarges, Ron V. White wins 10/8/2022 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Young III, William C. White wins 8/17/2022 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Shannon, Paul D. Black defaulted 8/21/2022 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Silverman, Robert Draw 10/7/2022 Go to game

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