All games from ICCF Aspirers Group 267 with status Finished


Dunlap, HudAnderson, Len White wins 11/27/2021 Go to game
Ziede, HelmutDunlap, Hud Draw 2/14/2022 Go to game
Dunlap, HudOrth, Stephen Black wins 12/2/2021 Go to game
Jakobi, WilfriedDunlap, Hud White wins 2/23/2022 Go to game
Dunlap, HudShtrikman, Ronen Black wins 2/16/2022 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnDunlap, Hud Black wins 12/20/2021 Go to game
Anderson, LenZiede, Helmut Black wins 12/17/2021 Go to game
Orth, StephenAnderson, Len White wins 10/31/2021 Go to game
Anderson, LenJakobi, Wilfried Black wins 1/12/2022 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenAnderson, Len White wins 11/12/2021 Go to game
Anderson, LenEnoksson, Björn Black wins 11/12/2021 Go to game
Ziede, HelmutOrth, Stephen Black wins 9/30/2021 Go to game
Jakobi, WilfriedZiede, Helmut Draw 12/2/2021 Go to game
Ziede, HelmutShtrikman, Ronen White wins 10/23/2021 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnZiede, Helmut White wins 10/18/2021 Go to game
Orth, StephenJakobi, Wilfried White wins 10/12/2021 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenOrth, Stephen Black wins 9/29/2021 Go to game
Orth, StephenEnoksson, Björn White wins 9/19/2021 Go to game
Jakobi, WilfriedShtrikman, Ronen Draw 10/12/2021 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnJakobi, Wilfried Black wins 10/7/2021 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenEnoksson, Björn White wins 10/5/2021 Go to game

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