All games from WS/H/806 with status Finished


Meneghetti, JuriBiglietto, Giacomo Draw 11/4/2020 Go to game
Kapferer, RomedMeneghetti, Juri White wins 11/6/2020 Go to game
Meneghetti, JuriBlock, Benjamin Black wins 10/29/2020 Go to game
Bourgault, JulienMeneghetti, Juri White wins 11/2/2020 Go to game
Meneghetti, JuriEigenmann, Walter Black wins 12/24/2020 Go to game
Herzog, KlausMeneghetti, Juri White wins 1/18/2021 Go to game
Biglietto, GiacomoKapferer, Romed Draw 1/26/2021 Go to game
Block, BenjaminBiglietto, Giacomo Draw 11/2/2020 Go to game
Biglietto, GiacomoBourgault, Julien Black wins 3/5/2021 Go to game
Eigenmann, WalterBiglietto, Giacomo Draw 2/5/2021 Go to game
Biglietto, GiacomoHerzog, Klaus White wins 2/7/2021 Go to game
Kapferer, RomedBlock, Benjamin Draw 11/30/2020 Go to game
Bourgault, JulienKapferer, Romed Draw 3/29/2021 Go to game
Kapferer, RomedEigenmann, Walter Draw 2/3/2021 Go to game
Herzog, KlausKapferer, Romed White wins 2/4/2021 Go to game
Block, BenjaminBourgault, Julien Draw 12/5/2020 Go to game
Eigenmann, WalterBlock, Benjamin Draw 12/13/2020 Go to game
Block, BenjaminHerzog, Klaus White wins 1/30/2021 Go to game
Bourgault, JulienEigenmann, Walter Draw 3/25/2021 Go to game
Herzog, KlausBourgault, Julien Draw 2/2/2021 Go to game
Eigenmann, WalterHerzog, Klaus White wins 2/26/2021 Go to game

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