All games from England v Mexico Under 1800 with status Finished


Ramirez Yañez, LeonardoSwindells, Philip White defaulted 10/15/2020 Go to game
Swindells, PhilipRamirez Yañez, Leonardo Black defaulted 10/15/2020 Go to game
Hench Sánchez, Francisco GerardoKok, Herman White wins 1/4/2021 Go to game
Kok, HermanHench Sánchez, Francisco Gerardo Black wins 1/2/2021 Go to game
Alva Mahe, Mario AlbertoLoyden, Gary Black wins 11/20/2020 Go to game
Loyden, GaryAlva Mahe, Mario Alberto White wins 11/20/2020 Go to game
Monreal, ElviaRobinson, Robin Black wins 6/25/2020 Go to game
Robinson, RobinMonreal, Elvia White wins 7/2/2020 Go to game
Verdugo Barba, OmarHutchings, J. M. White wins 11/16/2020 Go to game
Hutchings, J. M.Verdugo Barba, Omar Black wins 12/14/2020 Go to game
González Olazarán, OthonyelBrooks, Ian White wins 9/4/2020 Go to game
Brooks, IanGonzález Olazarán, Othonyel Black wins 10/26/2020 Go to game
Vazquez Gallardo, MiguelDenton, Ron Cat White wins 10/7/2020 Go to game
Denton, Ron CatVazquez Gallardo, Miguel Black wins 10/5/2020 Go to game
Martínez Camacho, Victor HugoWard, Bill Draw 9/26/2020 Go to game
Ward, BillMartínez Camacho, Victor Hugo White wins 9/28/2020 Go to game
Cisneros Escalona, MelisaTorregrosa, Sacha Black wins 12/19/2020 Go to game
Torregrosa, SachaCisneros Escalona, Melisa White wins 11/28/2020 Go to game
Rojas, EsauTaylor, Robert P. Black wins 8/17/2020 Go to game
Taylor, Robert P.Rojas, Esau White wins 8/13/2020 Go to game

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