All games from CCLA Winter Server Series, S91005 with status Finished


Avery, BryceDisque, Philip Draw 5/23/2019 Go to game
Avery, BryceLaaman, Thomas Draw 7/24/2019 Go to game
Avery, BryceSmith, Jason A. Black wins 6/25/2019 Go to game
Disque, PhilipAvery, Bryce White wins 6/27/2019 Go to game
Disque, PhilipLaaman, Thomas Draw 5/31/2019 Go to game
Disque, PhilipSmith, Jason A. White wins 4/30/2019 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasAvery, Bryce Black wins 6/11/2019 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasDisque, Philip Black wins 3/18/2019 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasSmith, Jason A. Black wins 5/8/2019 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Avery, Bryce Draw 4/10/2019 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Disque, Philip White wins 4/9/2019 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Laaman, Thomas White wins 4/11/2019 Go to game

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