All games from Open "Russia 25 Years", Preliminary group 17 with status Finished


Borodin, Sergey ViktorovichRoegiers, Livinus Black defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Šalnaitis, ArűnasBorodin, Sergey Viktorovich Draw 8/16/2018 Go to game
Borodin, Sergey ViktorovichSladek, Vaclav Black defaulted 10/8/2018 Go to game
Tornow, MichaelBorodin, Sergey Viktorovich Draw 7/12/2018 Go to game
Borodin, Sergey ViktorovichOvcharenko, Leonid Mikhailovich Draw 10/26/2018 Go to game
Balcazar Novoa, Luis MarcosBorodin, Sergey Viktorovich Draw 4/25/2019 Go to game
Borodin, Sergey ViktorovichLarsen, Arne Walther Draw 12/6/2018 Go to game
Maikov, Evgeny DmitrievichBorodin, Sergey Viktorovich Draw 9/9/2018 Go to game
Borodin, Sergey ViktorovichLoisel, Didier Draw 9/10/2018 Go to game
Ristea, TudorBorodin, Sergey Viktorovich Draw 4/2/2019 Go to game
Roegiers, LivinusŠalnaitis, Arűnas Black wins 5/16/2018 Go to game
Sladek, VaclavRoegiers, Livinus Black defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Roegiers, LivinusTornow, Michael Black wins 5/17/2018 Go to game
Ovcharenko, Leonid MikhailovichRoegiers, Livinus Black defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Roegiers, LivinusBalcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos White defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Larsen, Arne WaltherRoegiers, Livinus Black defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Roegiers, LivinusMaikov, Evgeny Dmitrievich White defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Loisel, DidierRoegiers, Livinus Black defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Roegiers, LivinusRistea, Tudor White defaulted 7/1/2018 Go to game
Šalnaitis, ArűnasSladek, Vaclav White wins 7/16/2018 Go to game
Tornow, MichaelŠalnaitis, Arűnas White wins 2/4/2019 Go to game
Šalnaitis, ArűnasOvcharenko, Leonid Mikhailovich Draw 11/25/2018 Go to game
Balcazar Novoa, Luis MarcosŠalnaitis, Arűnas Black wins 12/8/2018 Go to game
Šalnaitis, ArűnasLarsen, Arne Walther Draw 3/22/2019 Go to game
Maikov, Evgeny DmitrievichŠalnaitis, Arűnas Draw 8/9/2018 Go to game
Šalnaitis, ArűnasLoisel, Didier Draw 1/29/2019 Go to game
Ristea, TudorŠalnaitis, Arűnas Draw 12/30/2018 Go to game
Sladek, VaclavTornow, Michael Black wins 9/28/2018 Go to game
Ovcharenko, Leonid MikhailovichSladek, Vaclav White wins 8/14/2018 Go to game
Sladek, VaclavBalcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos White defaulted 10/8/2018 Go to game
Larsen, Arne WaltherSladek, Vaclav White wins 7/8/2018 Go to game
Sladek, VaclavMaikov, Evgeny Dmitrievich White defaulted 10/8/2018 Go to game
Loisel, DidierSladek, Vaclav Black defaulted 10/8/2018 Go to game
Sladek, VaclavRistea, Tudor White defaulted 10/8/2018 Go to game
Tornow, MichaelOvcharenko, Leonid Mikhailovich White wins 1/4/2019 Go to game
Balcazar Novoa, Luis MarcosTornow, Michael Draw 8/7/2018 Go to game
Tornow, MichaelLarsen, Arne Walther White wins 10/8/2018 Go to game
Maikov, Evgeny DmitrievichTornow, Michael Draw 5/25/2018 Go to game
Tornow, MichaelLoisel, Didier Draw 7/9/2018 Go to game
Ristea, TudorTornow, Michael Draw 10/26/2018 Go to game
Ovcharenko, Leonid MikhailovichBalcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos Draw 1/11/2019 Go to game
Larsen, Arne WaltherOvcharenko, Leonid Mikhailovich White wins 11/23/2018 Go to game
Ovcharenko, Leonid MikhailovichMaikov, Evgeny Dmitrievich Draw 7/4/2018 Go to game
Loisel, DidierOvcharenko, Leonid Mikhailovich Draw 9/10/2018 Go to game
Ovcharenko, Leonid MikhailovichRistea, Tudor Draw 9/23/2018 Go to game
Balcazar Novoa, Luis MarcosLarsen, Arne Walther Draw 3/23/2019 Go to game
Maikov, Evgeny DmitrievichBalcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos Draw 5/21/2019 Go to game
Balcazar Novoa, Luis MarcosLoisel, Didier Draw 7/29/2018 Go to game
Ristea, TudorBalcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos Draw 4/8/2019 Go to game
Larsen, Arne WaltherMaikov, Evgeny Dmitrievich Draw 12/20/2018 Go to game


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