All games from 6th Webchess Open Tournament prel. 122 with status Finished


Poletaev, Vitaly AvenirovichPickens, Justin White wins 1/6/2015 Go to game
Strömberg, HåkanPoletaev, Vitaly Avenirovich White wins 4/2/2015 Go to game
Poletaev, Vitaly AvenirovichHerman, Bernard Black wins 7/29/2016 Go to game
Dorn, MarkusPoletaev, Vitaly Avenirovich White wins 4/2/2015 Go to game
Poletaev, Vitaly AvenirovichWilkinson, James P. Draw 3/26/2015 Go to game
Viaud, ThierryPoletaev, Vitaly Avenirovich Black wins 11/25/2014 Go to game
Pickens, JustinStrömberg, Håkan Black wins 12/18/2014 Go to game
Herman, BernardPickens, Justin White wins 12/19/2014 Go to game
Pickens, JustinDorn, Markus Black wins 12/21/2014 Go to game
Wilkinson, James P.Pickens, Justin White wins 1/6/2015 Go to game
Pickens, JustinViaud, Thierry Black wins 12/18/2014 Go to game
Strömberg, HåkanHerman, Bernard White wins 4/26/2015 Go to game
Dorn, MarkusStrömberg, Håkan Draw 9/15/2015 Go to game
Strömberg, HåkanWilkinson, James P. White wins 12/3/2014 Go to game
Viaud, ThierryStrömberg, Håkan Black wins 10/2/2014 Go to game
Herman, BernardDorn, Markus Black wins 9/21/2015 Go to game
Wilkinson, James P.Herman, Bernard Draw 1/24/2015 Go to game
Herman, BernardViaud, Thierry White wins 10/31/2014 Go to game
Dorn, MarkusWilkinson, James P. Draw 11/28/2014 Go to game
Viaud, ThierryDorn, Markus Black wins 10/20/2014 Go to game
Wilkinson, James P.Viaud, Thierry White wins 9/29/2014 Go to game

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