All games from S20071 - 2012 Summer Server Series with status Finished


Shannon, Paul D.Anderson, James L. Black wins 10/30/2012 Go to game
Thomas, Gerald K.Shannon, Paul D. White wins 11/3/2012 Go to game
Shannon, Paul D.Andrus, Gary E. Black wins 11/25/2012 Go to game
Galvin, John H.Shannon, Paul D. Black wins 1/15/2013 Go to game
Shannon, Paul D.Quirk, Michael Draw 4/11/2013 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Shannon, Paul D. White wins 1/28/2013 Go to game
Anderson, James L.Thomas, Gerald K. Draw 9/6/2012 Go to game
Andrus, Gary E.Anderson, James L. White wins 10/24/2012 Go to game
Anderson, James L.Galvin, John H. Black wins 12/15/2012 Go to game
Quirk, MichaelAnderson, James L. White wins 11/15/2012 Go to game
Anderson, James L.Bapple, Edward C. Draw 9/9/2012 Go to game
Thomas, Gerald K.Andrus, Gary E. Black wins 9/29/2012 Go to game
Galvin, John H.Thomas, Gerald K. White defaulted 10/24/2012 Go to game
Thomas, Gerald K.Quirk, Michael Draw 10/12/2012 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Thomas, Gerald K. Black wins 11/30/2012 Go to game
Andrus, Gary E.Galvin, John H. White wins 1/23/2013 Go to game
Quirk, MichaelAndrus, Gary E. Draw 4/10/2013 Go to game
Andrus, Gary E.Bapple, Edward C. White wins 12/18/2012 Go to game
Galvin, John H.Quirk, Michael Draw 2/20/2013 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Galvin, John H. White wins 3/13/2013 Go to game
Quirk, MichaelBapple, Edward C. White wins 12/18/2012 Go to game

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