All games from DE 5th Webserver Anniversary prel. 62 with status Finished


Vegjeleki, AdolfMalagar, Leo Black defaulted 9/4/2011 Go to game
Peled, ShaiVegjeleki, Adolf Black wins 9/17/2011 Go to game
Vegjeleki, AdolfAntas, Arkadiusz Draw 10/11/2011 Go to game
Buky, JohnVegjeleki, Adolf Black wins 7/15/2011 Go to game
Vegjeleki, AdolfBobel, Philippe White wins 2/25/2012 Go to game
Brewer, ShaunVegjeleki, Adolf White wins 10/17/2011 Go to game
Malagar, LeoPeled, Shai White defaulted 1/19/2012 Go to game
Antas, ArkadiuszMalagar, Leo Black defaulted 11/17/2011 Go to game
Malagar, LeoBuky, John Black defaulted 9/4/2011 Go to game
Bobel, PhilippeMalagar, Leo Black defaulted 12/2/2011 Go to game
Malagar, LeoBrewer, Shaun White defaulted 3/2/2012 Go to game
Peled, ShaiAntas, Arkadiusz White defaulted 7/21/2011 Go to game
Buky, JohnPeled, Shai White defaulted 8/16/2011 Go to game
Peled, ShaiBobel, Philippe Black wins 10/22/2011 Go to game
Brewer, ShaunPeled, Shai White wins 9/29/2011 Go to game
Antas, ArkadiuszBuky, John Black defaulted 7/21/2011 Go to game
Bobel, PhilippeAntas, Arkadiusz Draw 7/18/2011 Go to game
Antas, ArkadiuszBrewer, Shaun Draw 4/23/2012 Go to game
Buky, JohnBobel, Philippe White defaulted 6/11/2011 Go to game
Brewer, ShaunBuky, John Black defaulted 8/2/2011 Go to game
Bobel, PhilippeBrewer, Shaun Draw 10/24/2011 Go to game

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