All games from XV Campeonato Nacional - Final with status Finished


Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 9/29/2009 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Draw 8/9/2010 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 1/18/2010 Go to game
De la Calle, IsraelMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Draw 4/13/2010 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoTemple, Victor White wins 8/31/2010 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Draw 8/21/2009 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoRivas Maceda, Jorge Draw 8/17/2010 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo White wins 8/2/2010 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoCastro Salguero, Robert Draw 10/29/2009 Go to game
Ojeda, José LuisMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Draw 5/25/2010 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoAlzola, Enrique White wins 6/10/2010 Go to game
Solari, AldoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo White wins 7/29/2010 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoReyes La Rosa, Juan White wins 4/14/2010 Go to game
Cusicanqui, MarcoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo White wins 7/29/2010 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanYui Pineda, Gerardo White wins 6/11/2010 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 9/27/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanDe la Calle, Israel Draw 10/25/2009 Go to game
Temple, VictorRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 9/4/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanRivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 6/23/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JorgeRivas Maceda, Juan Black wins 2/23/2011 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo Draw 11/7/2009 Go to game
Castro Salguero, RobertRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 8/18/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanOjeda, José Luis White wins 2/7/2010 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 10/19/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanSolari, Aldo White wins 11/2/2009 Go to game
Reyes La Rosa, JuanRivas Maceda, Juan Draw 12/22/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanCusicanqui, Marco Draw 10/3/2009 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 7/11/2010 Go to game
De la Calle, IsraelYui Pineda, Gerardo Draw 9/10/2010 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoTemple, Victor White wins 5/6/2010 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoYui Pineda, Gerardo Draw 9/5/2010 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoRivas Maceda, Jorge White wins 7/15/2010 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoYui Pineda, Gerardo White wins 4/11/2010 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoCastro Salguero, Robert Black wins 10/28/2010 Go to game
Ojeda, José LuisYui Pineda, Gerardo Draw 4/26/2010 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoAlzola, Enrique White wins 7/15/2010 Go to game
Solari, AldoYui Pineda, Gerardo White wins 4/25/2010 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoReyes La Rosa, Juan White wins 7/15/2010 Go to game
Cusicanqui, MarcoYui Pineda, Gerardo White wins 6/3/2010 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoDe la Calle, Israel Draw 10/2/2009 Go to game
Temple, VictorFiglio, Gino Franco Black wins 5/4/2010 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoRivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 9/28/2009 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JorgeFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 9/27/2009 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo Draw 10/9/2009 Go to game
Castro Salguero, RobertFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 12/26/2009 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoOjeda, José Luis Draw 9/27/2009 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 6/4/2010 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoSolari, Aldo Draw 5/5/2010 Go to game
Reyes La Rosa, JuanFiglio, Gino Franco Draw 2/9/2010 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoCusicanqui, Marco White wins 4/5/2010 Go to game


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