All games from Ken Messere Memorial with status Finished


Serradimigni, RobertRhodes, John D. White wins 5/12/2008 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Serradimigni, Robert Draw 2/10/2008 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertHaugen, Arild Draw 8/5/2007 Go to game
Carlsen, Torben ErikSerradimigni, Robert Black wins 4/3/2009 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertMoučka, Jiří Draw 4/20/2008 Go to game
Souza, Sérgio Luiz deSerradimigni, Robert Draw 12/3/2007 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertFenwick, Chris Draw 10/29/2007 Go to game
Asquith, Jerry E. C.Serradimigni, Robert Draw 3/20/2008 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertDonnelly, Mike J. White wins 5/16/2008 Go to game
Nývlt, ZdeněkSerradimigni, Robert Draw 2/21/2008 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertVelilla Velasco, Francisco de Asís Draw 9/10/2007 Go to game
Klausen, Tor-ArneSerradimigni, Robert Draw 8/18/2007 Go to game
Serradimigni, RobertAlfredsson, Olle White wins by adjudication 6/2/2009 Go to game
Taylor, Terry J.Serradimigni, Robert Black wins 1/12/2008 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Mukherjee, Ajoy K. White wins 5/16/2008 Go to game
Haugen, ArildRhodes, John D. Draw 7/15/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Carlsen, Torben Erik White wins 8/16/2007 Go to game
Moučka, JiříRhodes, John D. Draw 9/15/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Souza, Sérgio Luiz de Draw 1/19/2008 Go to game
Fenwick, ChrisRhodes, John D. Draw 8/14/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Asquith, Jerry E. C. Draw 3/27/2008 Go to game
Donnelly, Mike J.Rhodes, John D. Draw 8/27/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Nývlt, Zdeněk White wins 7/4/2008 Go to game
Velilla Velasco, Francisco de AsísRhodes, John D. White wins 8/14/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Klausen, Tor-Arne Draw 7/20/2007 Go to game
Alfredsson, OlleRhodes, John D. Draw 8/16/2007 Go to game
Rhodes, John D.Taylor, Terry J. Draw 8/9/2007 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Haugen, Arild Draw 12/16/2007 Go to game
Carlsen, Torben ErikMukherjee, Ajoy K. Black wins 11/16/2008 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Moučka, Jiří Draw 12/4/2007 Go to game
Souza, Sérgio Luiz deMukherjee, Ajoy K. White wins 9/12/2008 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Fenwick, Chris Draw 10/29/2007 Go to game
Asquith, Jerry E. C.Mukherjee, Ajoy K. Draw 5/17/2008 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Donnelly, Mike J. Draw 12/14/2007 Go to game
Nývlt, ZdeněkMukherjee, Ajoy K. White wins 3/10/2009 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Velilla Velasco, Francisco de Asís Draw 12/15/2007 Go to game
Klausen, Tor-ArneMukherjee, Ajoy K. Draw 10/2/2007 Go to game
Mukherjee, Ajoy K.Alfredsson, Olle Draw by adjudication 6/2/2009 Go to game
Taylor, Terry J.Mukherjee, Ajoy K. Draw 10/17/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildCarlsen, Torben Erik White wins 4/1/2008 Go to game
Moučka, JiříHaugen, Arild Draw 10/7/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildSouza, Sérgio Luiz de Draw 7/19/2007 Go to game
Fenwick, ChrisHaugen, Arild Draw 7/27/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildAsquith, Jerry E. C. White wins 12/14/2007 Go to game
Donnelly, Mike J.Haugen, Arild White wins 9/6/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildNývlt, Zdeněk Draw 9/4/2007 Go to game
Velilla Velasco, Francisco de AsísHaugen, Arild White wins 8/29/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildKlausen, Tor-Arne Draw 7/19/2007 Go to game
Alfredsson, OlleHaugen, Arild Draw 9/5/2007 Go to game
Haugen, ArildTaylor, Terry J. White wins 8/19/2007 Go to game


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