All games from SCCA Open 2007 Section C with status Finished


Brooksbank, KennethMacCaellich-Young, Mrs. Judy Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
Brooksbank, KennethVenn, Tony White wins 4/26/2007 Go to game
Brooksbank, KennethArmstrong, John M. White wins 10/30/2007 Go to game
Brooksbank, KennethRough, R. E. Black wins 8/20/2007 Go to game
MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. JudyBrooksbank, Kenneth Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. JudyVenn, Tony Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. JudyArmstrong, John M. Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. JudyRough, R. E. Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
Venn, TonyBrooksbank, Kenneth Black wins 4/26/2007 Go to game
Venn, TonyMacCaellich-Young, Mrs. Judy Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
Venn, TonyArmstrong, John M. Draw 7/5/2007 Go to game
Venn, TonyRough, R. E. Draw 4/26/2007 Go to game
Armstrong, John M.Brooksbank, Kenneth Black wins 10/30/2007 Go to game
Armstrong, John M.MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. Judy Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
Armstrong, John M.Venn, Tony Black wins 7/5/2007 Go to game
Armstrong, John M.Rough, R. E. Black wins 4/15/2007 Go to game
Rough, R. E.Brooksbank, Kenneth Draw 8/20/2007 Go to game
Rough, R. E.MacCaellich-Young, Mrs. Judy Cancelled 2/5/2007 Go to game
Rough, R. E.Venn, Tony White wins 4/26/2007 Go to game
Rough, R. E.Armstrong, John M. White wins 5/1/2007 Go to game

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