All games from Philippines vs Ukraine Friendly Match 2023 with status Ongoing


Banawa, JoelZelenyuk, Oleg Go to game
Zelenyuk, OlegBanawa, Joel Go to game
Perez, BrigilianoPavlyk, Nazariy Go to game
Pavlyk, NazariyPerez, Brigiliano Go to game
Simplina, ArthurGali, Arkadi Go to game
Gali, ArkadiSimplina, Arthur Go to game
Tagoc, CharlieNimylovych, Taras Go to game
Nimylovych, TarasTagoc, Charlie Go to game
Sazonov, NikolajYen, Alvin Go to game
Asi, EmmanuelKulik, Yuri Go to game
Kulik, YuriAsi, Emmanuel Go to game
Sanchez, MarfredShulyatytskiy, Igor Go to game
Shulyatytskiy, IgorSanchez, Marfred Go to game
Storozhyshyn, AntonSimplina, Ardie Boy Go to game

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