All games from 39. Czech Cup Final with status Finished


Jarabinský, MartinPaulík, Václav White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinValák, Alois White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Glaser, KarelJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinFriča, Štefan White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Cakl, MiloslavJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinBačiak, Miloslav White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Látal, FrantišekJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinŠtika, Václav White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Horák, JaroslavJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinZelenka, Pavel White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Stružka, VlastimilJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Jarabinský, MartinŠtěpán, Josef White defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Pensimus, PetrJarabinský, Martin Black defaulted 1/12/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavUrban, Miloš Draw 3/24/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisPaulík, Václav Draw 12/7/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavGlaser, Karel Draw 2/12/2020 Go to game
Friča, ŠtefanPaulík, Václav White wins 10/13/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavCakl, Miloslav Draw 7/16/2020 Go to game
Bačiak, MiloslavPaulík, Václav Draw 2/13/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavLátal, František Draw 2/10/2020 Go to game
Štika, VáclavPaulík, Václav Draw 3/7/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavHorák, Jaroslav White wins 3/26/2020 Go to game
Zelenka, PavelPaulík, Václav Draw 9/14/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavStružka, Vlastimil White wins 3/27/2020 Go to game
Štěpán, JosefPaulík, Václav Draw 2/6/2020 Go to game
Paulík, VáclavPensimus, Petr White wins 3/29/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošValák, Alois Black wins 4/15/2021 Go to game
Glaser, KarelUrban, Miloš Draw 4/20/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošFriča, Štefan Draw 10/29/2020 Go to game
Cakl, MiloslavUrban, Miloš Draw 5/20/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošBačiak, Miloslav Draw 5/11/2020 Go to game
Látal, FrantišekUrban, Miloš Draw 4/21/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošŠtika, Václav White wins 11/16/2020 Go to game
Horák, JaroslavUrban, Miloš Draw 9/21/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošZelenka, Pavel White wins 2/2/2021 Go to game
Stružka, VlastimilUrban, Miloš Draw 6/16/2020 Go to game
Urban, MilošŠtěpán, Josef Draw 4/1/2020 Go to game
Pensimus, PetrUrban, Miloš White defaulted 8/28/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisGlaser, Karel Draw 6/17/2020 Go to game
Friča, ŠtefanValák, Alois Draw 12/7/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisCakl, Miloslav Draw 10/7/2020 Go to game
Bačiak, MiloslavValák, Alois Draw 4/13/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisLátal, František Draw 3/21/2020 Go to game
Štika, VáclavValák, Alois White wins 7/17/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisHorák, Jaroslav Draw 10/20/2020 Go to game
Zelenka, PavelValák, Alois Draw 12/26/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisStružka, Vlastimil White wins 7/12/2020 Go to game
Štěpán, JosefValák, Alois Draw 1/17/2020 Go to game
Valák, AloisPensimus, Petr White wins 5/1/2020 Go to game


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