All games from RCCA Amber 2016 - Russia Master with status Finished


Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 10/2/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Ivanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 7/4/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichBabič, Darko Draw 9/1/2016 Go to game
Egoshin, Gennady YakovlevichIvanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 6/9/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichMartynov, Aleksandr Stepanovich Draw 7/24/2016 Go to game
Rudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Ivanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 8/19/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichShapiro, Vladislav Borisovich Draw 10/28/2016 Go to game
Pantazi, AdrianIvanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 6/4/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichKopeikin, Valentin Vasilievich Draw 8/20/2016 Go to game
Yurov, Aleksandr Andreevich Ivanov, Boris Vladimirovich White wins 12/7/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichWalter, Gerhard Draw 7/9/2016 Go to game
Löschnauer, RüdigerIvanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 10/29/2016 Go to game
Ivanov, Boris VladimirovichPanov, Sergey Ivanovich Draw 11/21/2016 Go to game
Neborak, Yury TrofimovichIvanov, Boris Vladimirovich Draw 11/8/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichKristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 6/4/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 10/2/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichEgoshin, Gennady Yakovlevich White wins 1/1/2017 Go to game
Martynov, Aleksandr StepanovichTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 7/23/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichRudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich White wins 5/21/2016 Go to game
Shapiro, Vladislav BorisovichTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 9/10/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichPantazi, Adrian Draw 7/24/2016 Go to game
Kopeikin, Valentin VasilievichTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich White wins 12/19/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichYurov, Aleksandr Andreevich Draw 6/5/2016 Go to game
Walter, GerhardTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 7/1/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichLöschnauer, Rüdiger Draw 5/8/2017 Go to game
Panov, Sergey IvanovichTrofimov, Vladimir Markovich Draw 7/17/2016 Go to game
Trofimov, Vladimir MarkovichNeborak, Yury Trofimovich Draw 2/3/2017 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Babič, Darko Draw 2/8/2016 Go to game
Egoshin, Gennady YakovlevichKristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 2/8/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Martynov, Aleksandr Stepanovich Draw 3/1/2016 Go to game
Rudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 1/24/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Shapiro, Vladislav Borisovich Draw 2/27/2016 Go to game
Pantazi, AdrianKristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 2/20/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Kopeikin, Valentin Vasilievich Draw 3/12/2016 Go to game
Yurov, Aleksandr Andreevich Kristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 6/19/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Walter, Gerhard Draw 3/23/2016 Go to game
Löschnauer, RüdigerKristjánsson, Árni H. Draw 10/5/2016 Go to game
Kristjánsson, Árni H.Panov, Sergey Ivanovich Draw 5/24/2016 Go to game
Neborak, Yury TrofimovichKristjánsson, Árni H. Black wins 9/20/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoEgoshin, Gennady Yakovlevich Draw 1/31/2016 Go to game
Martynov, Aleksandr StepanovichBabič, Darko Draw 2/27/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoRudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Draw 2/18/2016 Go to game
Shapiro, Vladislav BorisovichBabič, Darko Draw 2/4/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoPantazi, Adrian Draw 2/20/2016 Go to game
Kopeikin, Valentin VasilievichBabič, Darko Draw 8/2/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoYurov, Aleksandr Andreevich Draw 8/8/2016 Go to game
Walter, GerhardBabič, Darko Draw 7/1/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoLöschnauer, Rüdiger Draw 9/12/2016 Go to game
Panov, Sergey IvanovichBabič, Darko Draw 7/1/2016 Go to game
Babič, DarkoNeborak, Yury Trofimovich White wins 9/2/2016 Go to game


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