All games from WS/MN/58 with status Finished


Booij, Robert E.Hauenstein, Hans Draw 9/30/2010 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoBooij, Robert E. White wins 11/13/2010 Go to game
Booij, Robert E.Mezera, Lukáš White wins 11/11/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankBooij, Robert E. White wins 4/14/2011 Go to game
Booij, Robert E.Krebs, Jürgen Draw 4/12/2011 Go to game
Jung, BothoBooij, Robert E. White wins 12/27/2010 Go to game
Booij, Robert E.Sánchez Ródenas, Antonio White wins 10/10/2011 Go to game
Toropov, Maksim OlegovichBooij, Robert E. White wins 9/18/2011 Go to game
Booij, Robert E.Albano, Anthony White wins 7/10/2011 Go to game
Hansen, Morten MøllerBooij, Robert E. Draw 12/5/2010 Go to game
Booij, Robert E.Rogos st., Ján Black wins 11/27/2010 Go to game
Suto, Janos I.Booij, Robert E. Draw 3/15/2011 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansHeite, H. Remco Draw 10/6/2010 Go to game
Mezera, LukášHauenstein, Hans Draw 10/2/2010 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansHoffmann, Frank Draw 8/27/2010 Go to game
Krebs, JürgenHauenstein, Hans Draw 10/9/2010 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansJung, Botho Draw 9/28/2010 Go to game
Sánchez Ródenas, AntonioHauenstein, Hans Draw 3/6/2011 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansToropov, Maksim Olegovich White wins 4/3/2011 Go to game
Albano, AnthonyHauenstein, Hans Draw 9/20/2010 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansHansen, Morten Møller White wins 5/14/2011 Go to game
Rogos st., JánHauenstein, Hans Draw 9/15/2010 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansSuto, Janos I. Draw 10/15/2010 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoMezera, Lukáš Draw 4/23/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankHeite, H. Remco Black wins 7/29/2011 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoKrebs, Jürgen White wins 12/17/2010 Go to game
Jung, BothoHeite, H. Remco White wins 5/30/2011 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoSánchez Ródenas, Antonio Draw 4/5/2011 Go to game
Toropov, Maksim OlegovichHeite, H. Remco Draw 9/29/2011 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoAlbano, Anthony White wins 7/14/2011 Go to game
Hansen, Morten MøllerHeite, H. Remco Draw 12/27/2011 Go to game
Heite, H. RemcoRogos st., Ján Draw 12/6/2010 Go to game
Suto, Janos I.Heite, H. Remco Draw 7/22/2011 Go to game
Mezera, LukášHoffmann, Frank Draw 11/17/2010 Go to game
Krebs, JürgenMezera, Lukáš Draw 1/30/2011 Go to game
Mezera, LukášJung, Botho Draw 1/1/2011 Go to game
Sánchez Ródenas, AntonioMezera, Lukáš Draw 3/24/2011 Go to game
Mezera, LukášToropov, Maksim Olegovich Black wins 10/17/2012 Go to game
Albano, AnthonyMezera, Lukáš Draw 12/10/2011 Go to game
Mezera, LukášHansen, Morten Møller Draw 2/2/2011 Go to game
Rogos st., JánMezera, Lukáš Draw 4/17/2011 Go to game
Mezera, LukášSuto, Janos I. Draw 12/6/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankKrebs, Jürgen White wins 1/12/2011 Go to game
Jung, BothoHoffmann, Frank Draw 1/14/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankSánchez Ródenas, Antonio Draw 10/28/2011 Go to game
Toropov, Maksim OlegovichHoffmann, Frank Draw 11/10/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankAlbano, Anthony Draw 9/23/2011 Go to game
Hansen, Morten MøllerHoffmann, Frank Draw 2/2/2011 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankRogos st., Ján Draw 6/10/2011 Go to game
Suto, Janos I.Hoffmann, Frank White wins 8/2/2011 Go to game


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